Small Business Coaching Brisbane

Small Business Coaching Brisbane


Raffino Business Coaching offers high standard personal support and ongoing assistance to business owners. Call Brisbane Business Coach Wayne Griffiths to get started!

Raffino Business Coaching understands that small business can sometimes be a lonely place for business owners, as they don’t wish to divulge or burden their employees with issues or information that is sensitive.

Raffino Business Coaching offers high standard personal support because we understand that business can sometimes be a stressful and lonely place for owners. We value the skills and experience of our clients, and work with them to implement lasting change. We derive our satisfaction from positively impacting on the lives of others. We always act professionally and completely in the interests of our clients, because we care about their future.

Raffino use the philosophy of creating a business that is ‘sale or succession ready’, whether that is your intention or not.

By preparing your business to be ‘sale or succession ready’ a more sustainable, valuable and enjoyable business is created, as the performance in each business area is dramatically improved.

Creating lasting change within your business is not about quick fixes or knee jerk remedies. It is about mapping out and following a continuous improvement process, so the business works together as a whole to deliver your personal requirements.

Raffino Business Solutions can provide ongoing assistance to business owners by chairing and facilitating a regular management meeting. This ensures a continuous improvement culture is developed and maintained in order to direct and control the business.

By allocating regular, dedicated time to direct and control your business you will be proactive in driving its performance. This will provide knowledge and reassurance about its future, and help maximise business value and shareholder return. It is also an excellent vehicle for improving communication and alignment between shareholders or family members.

The purpose of the management meeting is to:

  • Create enduring business value
  • Maximise shareholder return
  • Formulate and direct business strategy
  • Monitor and continuously improve business performance
  • Comply with legal and accounting requirements
  • Recognise and manage business risk
  • Provide accountability to the management team

Directing your business involves extracting yourself from the day to day operations and taking dedicated time to review its position. This is a key duty and responsibility as a business owner and company director.

Raffino Business Solutions has considerable experience in acting in the role of chairperson and facilitator for management meetings. We offer external, independent viewpoints and experience. All Raffino advisors have tertiary business qualifications, greater than 20 years business experience, are members of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), and are graduates of the AICD Company Directors Course.

Small Business Coaching – Business Coaches Brisbane

Raffino Business Coaching offers high standard personal support and ongoing assistance to business owners. Get in touch with Business Coach Wayne Griffiths to get started!

About Raffino

Raffino is a business coaching and consultancy firm that specialises in enabling the Australian manufacturing sector to thrive. Raffino has more than three decades’ experience in all facets of manufacturing improvement, from lean manufacturing, to operational efficiency, staff management, sales growth, and financial management. It’s fair to say that Raffino knows manufacturing inside out and backwards.

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